Wednesday, May 29, 2013

School is Out  :)    !!

         School is out and there are a few things I want to do this summer. What I want to do this summer is read 55 hours so I can enter my name 5 times in a drawing for a kindle fire. I also want to catch two or more foul balls when I'm catcher.On the last day of school my class watched the movie The Life of Pi. We were able to bring soda and candy to eat and drink during the movie.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Baseball Little League Ancient Aztecs

The baseball season has begun the 5th game of the season and it's the first time I was able to be catcher for the first time this year.

I've been catching a lot this year but this pic is of my first time catching this year.I'm a pretty good catcher and I love to be catcher. My favorite position is catcher I'm ok with other positions but I love being catcher.That day I got the game ball for working my hardest as catcher.